Bible Verse Lookup

A simple verse lookup. Verses can be returned as a range of values (i.e. "3-7"). If the book, chapter, verse, or verse range you specify does not exist in the KJV Bible, no results will be returned.

Normal Full-Text Search Mode

The "normal" search mode is a simple "Full-Text Search" against a user input.

Boolean Full-Text Search Mode Operators

(From the MySQL Manual)
By default (when neither + nor - is specified) the word is optional, but the rows that contain it are rated higher.
A leading plus sign indicates that this word must be present in every row returned.
A leading minus sign indicates that this word must not be present in any row returned.
An asterisk is the truncation operator. Unlike the other operators, it should be appended to the word.
A phrase that is enclosed within double quote ('"') characters matches only rows that contain the phrase literally, as it was typed.
( ) 
Parentheses are used to group words into subexpressions. Parenthesized groups can be nested.
> < 
These two operators are used to change a word's contribution to the relevance value that is assigned to a row. The > operator increases the contribution and the < operator decreases it. See the example below.
A leading tilde acts as a negation operator, causing the word's contribution to the row relevance to be negative. It's useful for marking noise words. A row that contains such a word is rated lower than others, but is not excluded altogether, as it would be with the - operator.
(Note: The match must include non-word characters in the phrase. As of MySQL 5.0.3, non-word characters need not be matched exactly: Phrase searching requires only that matches contain exactly the same words as the phrase and in the same order. For example, "test phrase" matches "test, phrase" as of MySQL 5.0.3, but not before.)

Examples (boolean)

The following examples demonstrate some search strings that use boolean full-text operators:
apple banana
Find rows that contain at least one of the two words.
+apple +juice
Find rows that contain both words.
+apple macintosh
Find rows that contain the word "apple", but rank rows higher if they also contain "macintosh".
+apple -macintosh
Find rows that contain the word "apple" but not "macintosh".
Find rows that contain words such as "apple", "apples", "applesauce", or "applet".
"some words"
Find rows that contain the exact phrase "some words" (for example, rows that contain "some words of wisdom" but not "some noise words"). Note that the '"' characters that surround the phrase are operator characters that delimit the phrase. They are not the quotes that surround the search string itself.
+apple +(>turnover <strudel)
Find rows that contain the words "apple" and "turnover", or "apple" and "strudel" (in any order), but rank "apple turnover" higher than "apple strudel".

Note: The King James Version is a fairly literal translation of its sources; words implied but not actually in the original source are specially marked as italicized text. These "additions" were by the 1611 translators ("necessary to complete the sense").

The King James Version of the Bible was chosen as that is the version used in The Family International. Please see King James Version of the Bible for a detailed description of this version.